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9 things you know about SEO that are wrong

When it comes to SEO, there's so much information out there that it's very convenient for people to get the wrong idea. Here are nine famous SEO misconceptions and the truth about them.

When it comes to SEO, there’s so much information out there that it’s very convenient for people to get the wrong idea. Here are nine famous SEO misconceptions and the truth about them.

SEO is all smoke and mirror

Although SEO is challenging and often complex, when done correctly, it is founded on facts and methodical investigation. Although SEO is challenging and often complex, when done correctly, it is founded on facts and systematic investigation.

SEO is a miracle cure

The opposite misconception is also untrue. SEO is time-consuming and typically expensive. Though it’s not always the only option, SEO is often the main and one of the most effective kind of digital marketing for businesses.

Most SEO agencies are the same

That is mostly true, but their expertise varies in market focus, campaign (such as lead generation or e-commerce), organizational stability, and experience. An SEO partner needs to be thoroughly screened before they are employed.

Keywords don’t matter

No, that’s incorrect. According to research, keywords continue to be quite important. Although the usage of keywords is less exact than it was in the early days of SEO, they cannot be ignored.

The idea is to use keywords, but keywords by themselves are insufficient. Although Google is working hard to make quality matter even more because it is important.

The more inbound links you have, the better for you

The amount and caliber of incoming links are more crucial than their sheer number. Links from questionable or irrelevant websites will do more harm than good in the long run. Links from questionable or irrelevant websites will do more harm than good in the long run.

SEO interferes with how we present our brand

Actually, it should be the other way around. Clear communication and simple navigation for site visitors should result from properly optimized SEO-driven content and website layout.

The top objective is higher rankings

No. Rankings obsession can lead you off course. What use is it to rank highly for a term that no one searches for or is unrelated to what you offer? The process of keyword targeting is much more difficult.

The top objective is to increase organic traffic

Again, no. More organic traffic is beneficial (from an SEO standpoint) only if it results in more sales leads.

The top objective is to increase conversions from organic traffic

While this is true for e-commerce websites, when it comes to lead generation websites, more conversions (phone calls and form submissions) don’t necessarily mean more sales leads. Customer support queries, applications for jobs, sales representatives attempting to offer you services or goods, spam, or other requests can all lead to many of these conversions. Just ensure that you are using qualified sales leads from your CRM platform to gauge campaign conversions.

If you need help achieving your SEO goal, write BranBloc at [email protected].

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